Thursday, January 31, 2013

Travel + Travel = More Travel

Hey All
Bryan and I made the decision to delay the building work on the house until Mid-March.  The snow and cold winter weather makes it excessively expensive and aggravating to try to be doing construction.  So-o, Bryan leaves Idaho tomorrow afternoon and will be heading east to Maine where he has a trailer to deliver (contract hauling work he picked up to cover expenses of travel back east).  I'll spend a few days with him,  and then he'll be picking up another load of our stuff to take back out to Idaho with him.  He will then turn around and haul a load of hay back east; spend about 3 or 4 days with me...and then he'll head back to Idaho. The expenses for that trip back is also paid work for hauling items for customers wanting to ship west.  LOTS OF DRIVING.  But Bryan actually likes driving and said that in evaluating productivity of time (with weather factors considered), it makes more sense to do the driving/hauling work in February and then focus on the house finishing work in March when (hopefully) the weather will be warmer with not as much snow.
Pray for travel safety.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Bunny Babies - 3 weeks old January 29th

Here are some pictures of Habeeby's babies at 3 weeks old:

They are quite fun to watch.  They're jumping all around.  Super cute.

Today it was actually close to 60 degrees outside.  I took a nice long walk around the lake with Kelby.
I also fixed my spinning wheel and was able to start spinning again.  Yeah!  I worked on business cards and accomplished some things that I needed to complete.  I'm starting to miss TV. :-)
Before I close I'll post pictures of the adult bunnies just for the fun of it.
This is Habeeby

This is Latif

This is Arney.

I'm thankful for animals and the joy they bring to life.
Enjoy the rest of your week.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Farewell Baby Bunny

Yesterday was a sad day.  One of Habeeby's babies died unexpectedly. It was the medium sized one that was the same color as her.  Here's a picture taken two days before it died.  Farewell sweet tiny bunny.
I hate death!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Rabbit Raisin', Dog Runnin' & "Holding Down the Fort"

Hi All
Bryan is en-route to Idaho to begin phase two of our journey west.  He left on Tuesday morning and expects to be in Idaho by Friday night.  He will be in Idaho for about 4 weeks, getting the laundry room and garage under roof so that the electrician can come in and wire the place for electric and the electric turned on so that  Bryan can work inside with the finishing work.

As for me - I am having a blast with SIX new baby angora bunnies.  (My new business venture - "Lanajoura Angora" is about to launch, and I could not be more thrilled with Habeeby's first litter of kits born on January 8th.)  All the baby bunnies are doing great so far.  Here are a few pictures of them.


 One Week Old

Two Weeks Old
Habeeby eating her "bribe" of carrots and "Mongo Baby"
trying to eat some himself!  Bad bunny!  He's too little to eat treats!

Well anyway, it's probably obvious that I am having a blast with the new baby angora bunnies.
Of course Latif and Arney are not at a loss attention either.

The other activity which I  enjoy and which gets me out with other dog-loving people is participation in AKC
Dog Agility Trials.  This past weekend Kelby and I ran at the Altoona Area Kennel Club's trial held at State College in the Ag Arena. The video is of our Open Standard Run, and as you will see...she is super, super SLOW. (Agility runs are supposed to be fast!)  I cannot fault Kelby though, since our run was at the end of a long day.  No Q (Q= "qualifying score") this weekend, but we'll give it another run at the Nita Nee Kennel Club Trial this Sunday.

When Bryan left, he charged me with the job of "holding down the fort".  
All of our earthly belongings which will be going with us to Idaho are packed in a storage box and ready to be hauled 2500 miles cross country to our new home.  So for now, "the fort" is our cabin here in James Creek (near Raystown Lake.)  It's quiet and comfortable, and I'm getting to know my way around Huntingdon and the towns in the area.  I have the easy job.  Bryan has all the hard work.  I am looking forward to joining him and settling in to our new home in Idaho together.  For now, while he's driving, constructing, and making valuable contacts for his new business venture...I'm reading, writing, resting and relaxing at the cabin...and, raising rabbits, knitting, spinning, and dog running.